'Niroshini Thambar's sound design is excellent, with the unseen callers' voices being provided by Colin McCredie, Eden Barrie and Ali Watt.'
****All Edinburgh Theatre on The Brenda Line (Pitlochry Festival Theatre)
****All Edinburgh Theatre on The Brenda Line (Pitlochry Festival Theatre)
'Niroshini Thambar's score is near cinematic in utilisation – sharp counterpoints and dread weaved throughout with a heavily piano-inspired score to emphasise the depths to which this twisted tale descends'
**** Corr Blimey on Snake in the Grass (Dundee Rep)
**** Corr Blimey on Snake in the Grass (Dundee Rep)
'Niroshini Thambar's increasingly sinister piano-based soundtrack only emphasises the production’s cinematic qualities.'
****The Quintessential Review on Snake in the Grass (Dundee Rep)
****The Quintessential Review on Snake in the Grass (Dundee Rep)
'Niroshini Thambar's sound design both enhances the realism and underscores the tension.'
****The Stage on Gagarin Way (Dundee Rep)
****The Stage on Gagarin Way (Dundee Rep)
Niroshini Thambar’s exquisite, deceptively simple musical score.
****Scotsman on The Arrival (Solar Bear Theatre)
****Scotsman on The Arrival (Solar Bear Theatre)
'Niroshini Thambar's sound crackles with thunder and fizzes with uneasy dissonance.'
****The Skinny on The Tempest (Tron Theatre)
****The Skinny on The Tempest (Tron Theatre)
'Pulsed along by an exquisite score by Niroshini Thambar....'
The Herald on The Bridge (Annie George)
The Herald on The Bridge (Annie George)
'Niroshini Thambar's superbly motivating soundtrack..'
The Quintessential Review on Sho and the Demons of the Deep (IAP/National Theatre of Scotland)
The Quintessential Review on Sho and the Demons of the Deep (IAP/National Theatre of Scotland)
'Niroshini Thambar’s profoundly personal and affecting sound design.'
**** Corr Blimey on Disciples (Stellar Quines)
**** Corr Blimey on Disciples (Stellar Quines)
'Niroshini Thambar's tremendous sound design is decidedly spooky'
**** All Edinburgh theatre on Jinnistan (Play Pie Pint)
**** All Edinburgh theatre on Jinnistan (Play Pie Pint)
'The sound design (by Niroshini Thambar) is also excellent: the jinn’s voice truly seems to emanate from somewhere beyond the here and now.'
Bouquets & Brickbats on Jinnistan (Play Pie Pint)
Bouquets & Brickbats on Jinnistan (Play Pie Pint)
'Niroshini Thambar and Nik Paget-Tomlinson’s scoring and sound design is a triumph'
***** Corr Blimey on Rocket Post (Constellation Points)
***** Corr Blimey on Rocket Post (Constellation Points)
'Sound designer and composer Niroshini Thambar’s input is rather more integral. As well as building atmosphere, she helps keep the pace ..'
****The Stage on Ghosts (National Theatre of Scotland)
****The Stage on Ghosts (National Theatre of Scotland)
'Powerfully written and performed, with excellent music and sound.'
Socialist Review on Ghosts (National Theatre of Scotland)
Socialist Review on Ghosts (National Theatre of Scotland)